Let's Talk About Sabrina

But then I saw her dance. And that girl can really dance. Remember Jane's jive on Monday? Sabrina would have kicked ass on that routine.
Let's be honest here. Jennie Garth? Not a great dancer. I mean come on. Even she's admitted it. Seriously, if Jennie had been kicked off last night, I would not have been that upset. A few 90210 jokes, and then ... whatever.
But Sabrina? Sabrina's truly a great dancer. I am really upset she was voted off. What's wrong with you America? I can't help but notice she was the fattest dancer. And I can't help but wonder if weight-discrimination played a role in the lack of votes she got.
Sabrina, the Americans who voted are assholes. They were wrong. I agree with that corny host - I think you TOTALLY could have won. You looked so very sad last night, and my jaw was on the floor when the results were announced. I just wanted to give you a hug. Don't let the bastards get you down. Go back to your dumb group that has t-shirts of scantily-clad girls silkscreened on them with your head held high and be proud of yourself. Know that you WERE one of the best dancers on that show.
You may not have won, but you gained a fan. And what famous person doesn't want me as their fan? A fan who will never buy any of their merchandise, hasn't bought a music album in over four years, who waits for Netflix rather than paying money to see their movies, has never been to a concert, and overall, does nothing that involves spending money to show her support.
P.S. I did not think Mel B deserved tens. She's slightly better than average, but certainly no Sabrina. Hell, she's no Jane (you know, when Jane's not busy attending funerals, fleeing her burning home, or having food poisoning). Plus, and I know the judges don't take this into consideration, but Mel B strikes me as being quite dumb.
Labels: Dance bitch, Sabrina