Overheating: It's Not Just For Cars (Warning: TMI)
On Friday, my entire (all five of us) department went out to lunch. And when I say "out" I mean OUT. We ate outside, in the sunlight. Had I known about this, I would have prepared. I would have brought sunscreen to work. Cowboy invited LEL to sit in the one chair that was in the shade. I somehow managing to avoid acting like a brat and not whine, "But what about MEEEEEEEEE?!" I didn't just sit IN the sun. I sat facing the sun. By the end of the lunch my face hurt from having squinted for an hour and a half. Back at the office I surveyed the damage. Not too bad. My face wasn't that red, and I had a slight burn on my chest (damn v-neck shirts). I didn't feel well, but told myself I couldn't possibly have overheated since it was cool outside.
Oh, how wrong I was. My chest is fucking BURNT. I've slathered on so much aloe that my poor aloe plant looks like it got in a fight with a cactus and lost.
On Saturday I went shopping with a friend at an indoor mall. We bought some big things, so we ran in and out of the mall a couple of times to load goodies in her car. Really bad move on my part. Rule Number One of being someone who overheats easily: Do not go back and forth from cool to warm air multiple times. Malls are always slightly too warm for me.
We ate lunch in the mall. After lunch I wasn't feeling very well, but figured I'd be good long enough that I could get home, take some Advil, and be fine in a half hour.
Oh, how wrong I was. When we got to Target I yanked off my jacket. I even told my friend I thought I was overheating. By the time she dropped me at the train station, I was wondering if I should force myself to throw up before getting onto a train.
When I overheat or get motion sickness, I follow a formula: overheat, get a headache, headache turns to migraine, feel like shit, cry, eventually throw up, pass out, sleep, wake up fresh as a daisy. Really. Every damn time. A friend recently asked me if I throw up a lot, and I told her no, but I used to get carsick, so I'm a pro. I wasn't lying. I'm really good at throwing up. I can throw up in a car moving 60 miles an hour without getting my clothes messy. I can throw up into my garbage pail while lying in my bed. Which reminds me. Dad, thanks for throwing out my garbage that time.
The train came and I decided to get on it. My ride was almost an hour long. At the first stop I changed seats so I would be sitting facing the direction the train was going. Facing backwards was just making things worse. Then the sun was in my eyes. I felt myself getting warmer, and at the next stop changed seats again to get out of the sun. Why do trains rock from side to side a little bit if they're moving forwards? At the next stop I considered running off the train to throw up into a trash can. But I wasn't sure I would make it back onto the train before it started moving again.
Somehow I made it to my stop. God must have noticed how badly I was feeling because all the escalators were working in my favor. I actually considered getting a cab to take me home. I truly wasn't sure I could walk the two blocks. Somehow I did.
Came home, threw up. Waited to feel better. It didn't come. What the fuck? Where's my FEEL BETTER???? I went to sleep. Woke up around 10 p.m. Threw up two more times. There's my feel better. Woke up around 5 a.m., fresh as a daisy. And I've been up ever since. I would like to stop being so sensitive, but I'm almost 30 and don't think that's something I can change. So, I really need to start being more sensitive to my sensitivities so I won't have to waste entire Saturday nights being sick. Because I have things to do on Saturday nights. You know, like my laundry.