Different types of luck

As a kid, any time I played Monopoly I would go back and forth from Free Parking to Jail, over and over. Extreme highs and extreme lows. We always said if anyone was going to win the lottery in my family, it would be me. Once, as a hanukah present, my brother gave me scratch-offs. I won. Something like $15, that I collected at a gas station.
There are some people who lose their job, spend a couple of months sleeping late, going to the matinee movies, having long lunches, taking vacations, etc., before they get antsy and want to get back to work. So they buy a new interview outfit, send out a slew of resumes, and within three months from when they started their job search in earnest, they are again gainfully employed. Or they temp somewhere, and do such a stellar job that their supervisor finds or creates a position for them. I don't have that kind of luck.
I find pennies in the street. That's my kind of luck. Last week I was talking to Golden Boy about luck, and we realized something. In April of 2009, the thinking was that I would go to Mexico for his wedding, and practically straight from the wedding have to give up and leave San Francisco. Instead, I came home from Mexico, moved in with Wooffers, and less than week after moving had a temp gig. It's now over a year later and I'm still in San Francisco, so maybe I am lucky after all. Guess I just have a different type of luck than what I expected.
Labels: Golden Boy, Overthinking, Potential Depth, Pounding the pavement