This Pretty Much Sums Me Up
I confessed to my parents that I wasn't really interested in Israel. No, what passionately fascinated me was Russia. That's where I wanted to go.
My mother didn't understand. Why? Why would I want to go there? My parents tried to explain how miserable it was there. The long lines, the weather, the lack of privacy and freedom. All of it.
But I was intrigued by all that. Convinced. That's where I wanted to go. Dark and depressing? Sign. Me. Up.
Today I spoke with someone visiting Israel. Are you going to float in the Dead Sea*? Are you going to the Wall?
It's only because of hebrew school that I know of these places. I still have no interest, no desire, in going there. And I'm still intrigued by Russia.
*I think I may have accidentally called the Dead Sea the Red Sea.
Labels: A Lonely Jew, BlogFriends, Little Green