I Don't Feel Like Working Today
The wind is blowing so hard that my office building is making noises. I forgot to bring breakfast to work today like I usually do, and noon can not come fast enough. Loose Earlobe Lady must have family in town , because she keeps making calls on her cell phone and loudly exclaiming, "Hello, Georgeous!"
In third grade my teacher gave the class a project involving poems - we had to find one poem we thought represented each member of our family, including ourselves. I thought it was a stupid project. I hate, and have always hated, research, and rarely enjoy poetry. I've never "gotten" Shel Silverstein. and the only poem I like is this one, by Dylan Thomas.
The poem I used for myself, as a third-grader who couldn't do her homework more than 60% of the time, was this one. Which of course, my mother found for me.
What I want to be doing instead of working is all the crap I never have time to do:
Several loads of laundry (including a blanket)
My slipcover project (no, I don't sew, just trying to buy slipcovers to cover my living room furniture, which I am tired of looking at)
Get to the bank to deposit checks, including over 20 rolls of coins
Get a quote from a second moving company
Send out some difficult e-mails
Clean the glass pan I accidentally burnt last night trying to make a healthy dinner
Clean the kitchen & bathroom
Get rid of stuff I don't need or want (vase, anyone?)
That must be the sign of being an adult. When you don't want to be at work because you'd rather be doing other crap you need to get done. Why don't I want to do anything fun? Why has cleaning up become the equivilent of fun for me?
I am restless and feel like I have more important things to do. I don't want to be one of those people who takes time off from work to run errands. That sounds so dull and pathetic (sorry, if you do that). I want to be one of those people who takes time off from work to do fun things. Real fun things, not my version of fun things. Oh, look at that. Apparently, today I hate myself. I want to go home.
In third grade my teacher gave the class a project involving poems - we had to find one poem we thought represented each member of our family, including ourselves. I thought it was a stupid project. I hate, and have always hated, research, and rarely enjoy poetry. I've never "gotten" Shel Silverstein. and the only poem I like is this one, by Dylan Thomas.
The poem I used for myself, as a third-grader who couldn't do her homework more than 60% of the time, was this one. Which of course, my mother found for me.
What I want to be doing instead of working is all the crap I never have time to do:
Several loads of laundry (including a blanket)
My slipcover project (no, I don't sew, just trying to buy slipcovers to cover my living room furniture, which I am tired of looking at)
Get to the bank to deposit checks, including over 20 rolls of coins
Get a quote from a second moving company
Send out some difficult e-mails
Clean the glass pan I accidentally burnt last night trying to make a healthy dinner
Clean the kitchen & bathroom
Get rid of stuff I don't need or want (vase, anyone?)
That must be the sign of being an adult. When you don't want to be at work because you'd rather be doing other crap you need to get done. Why don't I want to do anything fun? Why has cleaning up become the equivilent of fun for me?
I am restless and feel like I have more important things to do. I don't want to be one of those people who takes time off from work to run errands. That sounds so dull and pathetic (sorry, if you do that). I want to be one of those people who takes time off from work to do fun things. Real fun things, not my version of fun things. Oh, look at that. Apparently, today I hate myself. I want to go home.
Glad to see you're safely back. Read about bad weather and plane engine fires (Ft Lauderdale. Sounds like you're getting ready to move so you might have a case of the "Let's do it already! "'s.
ok, apparently I'm pretty dumb because I thought I left a comment this morning and where is it? Click the Publish Your Comment button before the close window button, SC. Duh.
Anyway, the gist of the first comment was (1) whether you do fun stuff on days off is subjective, so don't beat yourself up for not doing what other people would want to do, unless you really, really want to do those things, then I say, who cares about housework?
(2) I always liked Shel Silverstein, though I never thought of it as poetry. Technically, it is, but it's fun, so it doesn't fall into the "real" poetry category for me. The only serious poem I ever liked was "Ozymandias." The irony never fails to amuse me.
(3) It's one of those weeks - sandwiched between holidays. Everybody wants to go home. Maybe the lawyers will shut everything down early to go buy booze in preparation for Sunday night....
You know, your post made me think that I NEVER take time off to do fun things. Which makes me feel bad, occasionally, because why can't I be someone who takes off on a weekend to go canoeing? But also, I like to do the things you mention - laundry, purges, etc. And I like the way my apt. feels after I've done them. So I will take my pleasure where I find it.
There is a simply joy in being home on a blustery day, sorting out one's desk and doing laundry.
We could all use a day off just to have fun. That will be my New Year's Resolution....To have some fun this year. Thanks for a great read.
My fav poems from school years, were The Highwayman, and The charge of the Light Brigade. I was going through a morbid time then and liked reading about death and distruction. I likely would have been a goth if it ever existed back then,lol.
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