Random Frustrations - Bulleted For Your Pleasure
- So far I have turned down two job offers, interviewed for two other jobs that would be perfect, been rejected for one, and am waiting to hear if I am being asked back for second interviews for the last. I am frustrated to not be working. I keep forgetting my plan to "do one fun and one productive thing each day" and that's pissing me off.
- Technical difficulties are difficult. My power cord falls out a lot. I spend more time than I should repositioning it just so. My laptop is in heart failure, and each time I turn it off, I'm not sure I'll be able to turn it on next time. There's an operation I could try that involves taking out the motherboard, but I don't have a small enough scalpel, nor did I do a rotation in this speciality. I'd buy a new laptop, but I'm trying to hold out until I have a steady paycheck.
- Starting today Trixie is driving cross-country for about a week, and left her smelly foods in the fridge.
- I am disappointed in the fact that not everyone seems to know what my parents spent years trying to drum into my thick skull - that not everything is black or white. I'm sure they didn't mean it, but I always got the impression from my parents when they were yelling at me that any asshole would know what they were saying. That I was way behind everyone else. Even though I'm 30, I still get surprised when I realize my peers don't seem to know what I thought were very basic lessons. I am disappointed at seeing people get dismissed in their entirety simply for having different opinions.
- People who don't e-mail me back. No, not you - you're good. But you, well, that's a different story*. When, in an effort to help you, people go out of their way to articulate their feelings about a subject that you've made clear is worrying you, it would be nice to respond. Just saying. Even just a quick, "Thanks, you've given me a lot to think about" would suffice.
- Shitty blogs. Yeah that's right - even though I may not be commenting, I'm reading. Between people having so much ad-shit on their blog that it takes MINUTES to load, people writing about crap that's uninteresting to me, and blog posts that make me sad at how cut-throat people are being, I think I should take a reading break. Maybe for a while I'll just stick to Newsweek and published authors with physical books.
- Speaking of Newsweek, I could have a gorilla live in my apartment, right? There's room for a family of them, isn't there? If I were a trillionnaire, I'd totally find some way to buy the land where those gorillas live and then protect it so they can live peacefully.
- Even though it seems to be a Vice President's job is to stay alive in case the President is unavailable to "serve" their country, I bet we could give the American people a different impression of what VP's do if Hillary were President and Barrack were VP. I am hesitant to vote for him for President now, but if he'd put in a tour as VP, then I'd definitely feel better about it.
- Lack of closet space. That's right, I'm frustrated by it. Surely I just need to rearrange and then I'll find space, but right now in the corner behind my bedroom door, three bath towels are piled on top of a box that a fan is in, and that's pissing me off.
- Know what else is pissing me off? That my list of Shit To Buy When I Have a Paycheck is growing so long.
- You know why all these things are pissing me off? I'll tell you.
1. Because they're all being realized at the same time.
2. Because some are out of my control.
3. Probably not doing fucking yoga anymore contributes to my frustration aslo. - Lack of Fucking Yoga. Why? Because my 90 days ended and I haven't gone in to ask what sort of deal they'll give me for more yoga. Why? No good reason, only lame excuses.
- You know what else annoys me? Cutesy spellings for random words for absolutely no reason other than to try to appear cute and Kre8ive. I hate reading blogs where people try to drop a cute version of a word in and I'm reading the sentence three times in a row trying to figure out what the fuck they're trying to say.
- My stupidity. I may be on a vacation from work, but my stupidity never takes a hike. It's always with me, like [insert some witty phrase here].
*Soon after posting this, I was e-mailed back. You don't need to worry it was you.
Labels: I'm Hurt, LD Strikes Again, Little Green, Potential Depth, Pounding the pavement, Whatcha Readin?, Work, Yoga
I'm an asshole.
In other news...here's hoping the rest of your frustrations get resolved in a timely manner.
Um, like that super-annoying freckle on the back of my hand that showed up one day because while I always remember the sunscreen on my face everyday and the rest of my body when I know I'm going to be in the sun, I tend to forget that my hands are exposed just as much as my face?
And... shall I send you the yoga dvd I bought? I've discovered that I'm not really a very yogey person.
What's your "one thing fun and one thing productive" plan for tomorrow???? Just providing some distant gentle prodding.
I am so behind on e-mail. I feel like I don't have the brain cells to do much in the way of communicating after I get home from work/school. If it's me you're referencing in this post, please don't take it personally. I ignore everyone these days.
((((The right job will find you soon. I just know it.))))))
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