Fighting the Food Revolution

By now everyone has seen, read or heard about Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution. Nobody can really argue with eating healthily. But certain people have to argue it. Who? Fast food companies! This food revolution thing is bad news for them. If everyone were to eat healthily, then nobody would ever go to KFC anymore.
So it seems KFC is working around the food revolution. They're running commercials with pink buckets of fried chicken. Apparently for every bucket of fried chicken you buy, KFC will donate fifty cents to the Susan G. Komen fund.
Do they think their clientele is so stupid as to not realize KFC is trying to distract from the fact that their food is unhealthy, or do they just hope that's the case?
Labels: Food Snob, Rage Against the Green
I think it's their grilled chicken that they're pushing now, not fried.
They think they're customers are stupid. Some of them will fall for it. Some of them will do it purely out of spite, I'm sure.
I watched Jamie Oliver on David Letterman, and Letterman was the perfect antagonist. Most of the commenters thought he was being an ass, but they didn't see that Letterman was actually lauding Oliver, but just setting him up to tell exactly what he wanted. Kind of shows exactly what he's up against.
Many people who should make changes will also argue against it - just because they don't like changes. Think of all the "lunch ladies" who will now have to think about the menus and prepare food differently.
It's not just about knowing the answers; it's about living them. Many people know fried chicken is bad news bears, but they CAN'T HELP THEMSELVES (they might even rationalize... well I'm helping the Susan G. Komen fun, after all...)
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