Balls of Steel, I Tell You
I was scared to go home. In my world, there is no violence. In my entire life, I have never seen my father physically pull my mother away from anyone. It's just completely foreign to me. I feel like there was a very real possibility that The Mother was going to get physical with me this morning. She didn't, but this morning's screaming got me concerned. She was just SO VERY ANGRY. I wasn't sure where she was going to go with all that anger.
So when I came home I (lied and) went to Security and told them that when I got off my elevator, I thought I saw someone walk into my apartment and go in the direction of my bedroom. I'm not pleased that I lied, but I just had no clue what I'd be walking into, and I know these guys aren't that busy, sitting in the control room, watching the security cameras and playing cards.
So a security guy escorted me upstairs. On the way, he picked up a maintenance man. I gave the security guy my key, and he opened the door and walked in. Everything was in its normal place. I pointed him towards my bedroom and he opened the door as I peered behind him. It was just as I'd left it this morning.
While he opened the closets and checked in the shower the maintenance man opened Steamroller's bathroom and bedroom doors, scaring the hell out of The Parents. I told him they were okay, and he apologized for disturbing them. We did no explaining.
I profusely thanked the guys, who encouraged me to call if there were any problems, and escorted them out.
In my bedroom, changing my clothes, when my cell phone rings. Steamroller. I figured the parents called her to say some strange man just opened the door and they don't know why.
Down in the lobby I call my voicemail. Steamroller tells me she can't find her lease and isn't sure if she has to give me 30 days notice. She asks me to find out and call her at the office.
My father used to tell me that I had to learn to figure things out for myself. That I would piss people off if I asked things I should be able to figure out on my own. Guess Steamroller's dad never gave her that speech. So, I've decided that I too, have "lost" my lease. That will be my official position. I've done enough for the Steamroller.
She knew the phone number for the leasing office when I told her that having her parents stay for a month would violate our lease. She was all set to call them then. So I'm sure she can figure out that phone number again to ask for a copy of the lease or ask how many days notice she has to give.
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty damn bitchy these days.
So when I came home I (lied and) went to Security and told them that when I got off my elevator, I thought I saw someone walk into my apartment and go in the direction of my bedroom. I'm not pleased that I lied, but I just had no clue what I'd be walking into, and I know these guys aren't that busy, sitting in the control room, watching the security cameras and playing cards.
So a security guy escorted me upstairs. On the way, he picked up a maintenance man. I gave the security guy my key, and he opened the door and walked in. Everything was in its normal place. I pointed him towards my bedroom and he opened the door as I peered behind him. It was just as I'd left it this morning.
While he opened the closets and checked in the shower the maintenance man opened Steamroller's bathroom and bedroom doors, scaring the hell out of The Parents. I told him they were okay, and he apologized for disturbing them. We did no explaining.
I profusely thanked the guys, who encouraged me to call if there were any problems, and escorted them out.
In my bedroom, changing my clothes, when my cell phone rings. Steamroller. I figured the parents called her to say some strange man just opened the door and they don't know why.
Down in the lobby I call my voicemail. Steamroller tells me she can't find her lease and isn't sure if she has to give me 30 days notice. She asks me to find out and call her at the office.
My father used to tell me that I had to learn to figure things out for myself. That I would piss people off if I asked things I should be able to figure out on my own. Guess Steamroller's dad never gave her that speech. So, I've decided that I too, have "lost" my lease. That will be my official position. I've done enough for the Steamroller.
She knew the phone number for the leasing office when I told her that having her parents stay for a month would violate our lease. She was all set to call them then. So I'm sure she can figure out that phone number again to ask for a copy of the lease or ask how many days notice she has to give.
Yeah, I'm feeling pretty damn bitchy these days.
I had a tenant once who said there was no 30 day notice clause in the lease. I believe it is a state law. I was glad to be rid of her and let her go her merry dysfunctional way.
I'm guessing you care less about the month's rent and more about getting them all OUT, right?
This is insane. I don't know what your rent is, but 3/4 of it has gotta be a hell of a lot less than staying in a hotel. And you are totally within your rights to ask that they contribute.
I'm so sorry you have to deal with this crap.
Be careful Green, Steamroller mom might be a little insane. If you can afford it, let SR off the hook for the 30 day notice and let them leave ASAP. They really freak me out. Do you have a lock on your bedroom door?
wow, this family is more screwed up than I thought. How is it your fault that Steamroller lied to you? I guess you're just supposed to share your home with any random person she decides to bring home for as long as she wants them to stay. This girl has some serious growing up to do. After all, mommy isn't going to be around to handle her messes forever.
If it makes you feel any better, I'm completely agitated with my current roommate, who has TWO boys (4 & almost 7), plus a boyfriend (now fiance' after a month of dating, whose chin hair is always everywhere in the sink) and I sleep on a couch!
But I'm getting my own place here in two weeks...
I'm so excited
God Green, this is so surreal. Hope it's done soon and you find a cute place that just big enough for out of state guests. Thank you know. And like. =)
Ohmygoodness. I've never had roommates, except the fiancee, so I guess I find it even more offensive. Nobody but my own mom talks to me that way, and that's rare, too! Steamfamily needs to about wearing out their welcome!
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